
The display Quantity is a product level setting. Meaning, it is set by editing the product from the product Inventory tab. Display Quantity overrides actual inventory and pushes the static number set in the Display Quantity field to the storefront. If you set the static number to "0" it will push "0" to the storefront regardless of what the actual inventory in SalesWarp. It will do the forever unless it is changed, or the data in the field is removed, so the field id empty. A number in the Display Quantity field is the switch that turns it on, no data in the field turns it off.
To deactivate the Display Quantity for a product do the following:
How to clear the Display Quantity Field
Products -> Products -> Search for SKU (enter the sku you want edit) -> Edit the Sku (pencil Icon far right on the product line) -> Inventory -> Select Display Quantity.
- Using the down arrow icon on the far right, click the down arrow until the number in the Display Quantity fields is at "0" and highlighted.
- Press delete on your keyboard. The "0" should be removed.
- Click on Save.
- View the product to confirm no data in in the field.