Set up Warehouse Templates

SalesWarp uses templates to configure emails, purchase orders, pick tickets and packing slips. Each type of template will have a default template pre-installed that includes basic information. You have the ability to modify the existing default template or add your own. Pick Ticket, Packing Slip and Order Email templates are assigned to a store by editing a store and opening the Forms tab. Purchase Order and Dropship templates are assigned to a supplier by editing a supplier, and scrolling down to select the Dropship Email Template, Dropship Template and Purchase Order Template.


Pick Ticket and Packing Slip Templates

Pick Tickets are a one-page pdf document that can be printed for an Order that is in "In Stock" status. Pick Tickets usually display basic order information and are used in the warehouse to pick the correct items for the order. Pick tickets can also be used as packing slips, or you have the option of creating a separate template for packing slips. "Print Pick Ticket" is a standard order step in SalesWarp, whereas printing a packing slip would be an extra step.

To edit or create pick ticket templates, open the Orders/Shipping menu, choose Order Management, and Pick Ticket Templates. Edit the default template or create a new one. The template Name is used only in the list of templates inside SalesWarp. The template Title will display at the top of the pick ticket, along with the Order Number and Customer Name, which are displayed by default. 

Upload an image for your logo. Choose to display the Header and/or Footer. Use the WYSIWYG editor to enter content or select "Source" to enter custom HTML. The Header and Footer can be used to add standard information, such as additional branding or a returns and exchanges policy.

Under the Information section, choose to display certain pieces of information about the order. The Display Barcode option will add a barcode of the Order Number to the pick ticket, that can be scanned for faster pick-pack-ship processes.

Under the Product Field section, choose to display certain pieces of information about the ordered products. The Quantity BO will display ordered items that are back ordered

Assign the pick ticket template to a store here, or by editing the store. Click Submit to save the template.

Packing Slip Templates are very similar to Pick Ticket Templates, but offer the option to add Customer Notes and additional pricing, Subtotal and Total fields. To edit or create packing slip templates, open the Orders/Shipping menu, choose Order Management, and Packing Slip Templates.


Dropship Order Templates

Dropship orders are created when an ordered item has no stock on hand, and the product has been specified as Normally Dropshipped with Reorder Enabled and a Reorder Supplier specified. Dropship orders can be sent as a .pdf file (printed or emailed) or as a .csv file (emailed). The Dropship Order Template will format the .pdf version of the dropship order. The .csv version contains only basic order information such as Order ID, Line Item IDs, Customer Name, Shipping Address, Product Name, SKU, Order Date and Shipping Carrier.

To edit or create dropship order templates, open the Orders/Shipping menu, choose Order Management, and Dropship Templates. Edit the default template or create a new one. The template Name is used only in the list of templates inside SalesWarp, and the template Title will display at the top of the dropship order. 

Upload an image for your logo. Use the Header and Footer sections to enter standard, customized content. Use the WYSIWYG editor to enter content or select "Source" to enter custom HTML. The Dropship Order Number, Order Date, Dropship Order Status, Customer Order Code, and Customer Shipping Address will be displayed by default.

Under the Information section, choose to display certain pieces of information about the vendor. Under the Product Field section, choose to display certain pieces of information about the ordered products.

Assign the dropship order template to a supplier here, or by editing the store. Click Submit to save the template.


Purchase Order Templates

Purchase orders can be created manually or automatically based on the Reorder Threshold specified at the product level. Purchase Orders can be sent as a .pdf file (printed or emailed) or exported into a .csv file. The Purchase Order Template will format the .pdf file. 

To edit or create purchase order templates, open the Orders/Shipping menu, choose Order Management, and Purchase Order Templates. Edit the default template or create a new one. The template Name is used only in the list of templates inside SalesWarp, and the template Title will display at the top of the purchase order. 

Upload an image for your logo. Use the Header and Footer sections to enter standard, customized content. Use the WYSIWYG editor to enter content or select "Source" to enter custom HTML. The PO Number, Order Date, PO Status and Next Step will be displayed by default.

Under the Information section, choose to display certain pieces of information about the PO and vendor. Under the Product Field section, choose to display certain pieces of information about the ordered products.

Assign the purchase order template to a supplier here, or by editing the store. Click Submit to save the template.


Email Templates

There are 5 types of emails that are automatically used by SalesWarp:

  1. Order - Sends to the customer when a new order is saved inside SalesWarp. Triggered by clicking the Submit button on the Create Order page. Order email templates are assigned per store.
  2. Shipping - Sends to the customer when all ordered items are updated as "shipped." This can be triggered by manually completing the Shipping step or when SalesWarp receives tracking information from your shipping software. Shipping email templates are assigned per store. 
  3. Purchase Orders - Sends to the supplier, with the purchase order attached as a .pdf or .csv file. Triggered by sending the PO to the supplier. Purchase Order email templates are assigned per supplier.
  4. Dropship - Sends to the supplier, with the dropship order attached as a .pdf or .csv file. Triggered by sending the dropship order to the supplier, and can be send individually or in bulk. Dropship email templates are assigned per supplier.
  5. RMA - Sends to the customer when an RMA (Return Merchandise Authorization) is saved. Triggered by clicking the Save button on the Create RMA page. RMA email templates are assigned per store.

There is a 6th type of email template in SalesWarp called Customer, which can be used to create common emails sent to customers, such as an out-of-stock notice about an ordered item, or a request for a new shipping address if an address is invalid. These emails can be sent from the Orders table or the Customers table, and can be modified at the time of sending.

To edit or create email templates, open the Orders/Shipping menu, choose Order Management, and Email Templates. Edit the default template or create new ones. Select one of the 6 email types above, use the WYSIWYG editor to enter content or select "Source" to enter custom HTML. Use the tokens in the Subject Option and Body Option dropdowns to insert information unique to the order or customer. 

Assign the email template to a store or supplier here, or by editing the store or supplier. Enter any email address in the field at the bottom of the template to receive an example of the email, and click Submit to save the template.



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