Product Kits

Recommended process for importing Kits into SalesWarp

It is recommended that you first import your simple products before creating kits in SalesWarp. You can use the same mapping to assign simple products to kits, simply by editing an existing mapping to add kits. You may also create a separate mapping with kit information only, but take note that all fields required for creating a new product in SalesWarp in order to be added.


How to map Product Kits in SalesWarp

When importing products via .csv file, specify on the mapping that YES, THIS IMPORT FILE CONTAINS KITS. Identify the Kit SKU and Component Quantity fields in your import file. The Kit SKU field is the SKU for the kit as a whole, and the Component Quantity field is the quantity of each simple product that belongs in the kit. Each Kit SKU must be above its component SKUs in the import file. See the attached file and example below for how to organize your product data to create kits in SalesWarp



sku product_name kit_sku component_qty product_type
sku-001 Perfect PB Sandwich     Kit
sku-001-101 Perfect Jelly sku-001 1 Simple
sku-001-102 Perfect Peanut Butter sku-001 1 Simple
sku-001-103 Perfect Bread sku-001 2 Simple


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